We started using Bryce Hedstrom’s Special Person Interviews this year, and as all teachers providing comprehensible input have claimed, it’s pure genius. Bryce said it best when he posted, “I believe that if you are developing your TPRS questioning skills as well as your interpersonal skills, this social and language powerhouse will work for you and your students.”

Erica Peplinski and Laura Sexton have written about using La Mascota Especial in their classes, and these story times have also been super fun and engaging. In my classes I encourage students to bring photos and videos of their pets to school to  help with comprehensibility, and the best teachers model, model, model! Afterall, we can’t expect our students to perform and share if we aren’t willing to show them how it’s done. Here is a video that I used to introduce our chocolate labrador, Boca Breckley, to my classes. I’ve posted a few more, just in case you can’t get enough 🙂

La Primera Nevada de Boca
Boca: Corriendo Saltando Comiendo
Vamos al Colegio

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