Happy Spring, Friends!

I had a super time as a guest on Ashley Uyaguari’s Inspired Proficiency podcast, and you should totally take some time to listen to these concrete movement ideas that can be used in the classroom today!

In this episode…

  • we share why movement and games are important to second language acquisition.
  • we talk about some things that make teaching with movement complicated.
  • we share lots of tips for world language games.
  • we chat about maintaining the target language and comprehensibility.
  • I share 5 sweet movement activities that you can use tomorrow!

These are the 5 activities which are explained in detail on the podcast:

  1. WalkChat – We go on a walk around the school or outside & chat like we would in a MovieTalk or PictureTalk.
  2. Joker / Bromista – This is a super fun game, but you can only win if you pretend like you’re not having any fun at all!
  3. Exercise – Why simulate exercise when you can literally exercise in the target language? Take a rest from providing comprehensible input, and burn some calories with your kids!
  4. Alibi / Coartada – If the kids can keep their stories straight, they can get away with the crime.
  5. Processes with TPR – Explain procedures, steps, and rules with movement and meaning negotiation.

The Variety Portion:

Ashley is open about a tough class that was struggling and required a reset. She made a plan to start from the beginning to undo bad habits and start anew. They came together as a SLA community to make some changes and get back on track.

Happy listening, Friends!!!

Find the podcast episode on iTunes HERE or HERE!


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