Comprehensible input providers are always in need of great stories, and they’re especially engaging if the characters are people who the language learners know: my 1st hour students. 

I was absent on a Thursday, and my principal let me know that substitute teacher didn’t arrive on time. It wasn’t his fault, and his absence was noticed within 10 minutes, but it makes for a good story! 

I drew most of the needed vocabulary that I couldn’t act-out on the board, reminded the students of our new rejoinders, turned-on the camera, and we had some laughter and learning. 

  • Yes, the kids actually started working at Señ without prompting. 
  • Yes, my principals discovered the absence quickly, there are cameras in my classroom, my neighboring teacher is close, and all kids were safe. 
  • Yes, I purchased donuts for these amazing kids. 
  • Yes, I still pick my nose. 
  • Yes, you can purchase my pretty posters here. 🙂

Keep it comprehensible.
Keep it engaging.

See you soon!


Tell me something!

  • Hi Sarah,
    I’m new to TPRS this year and it has been LIFE CHANGING. I’m so excited about my lessons and planning is fun and my students are speaking so much more and they tell me my class is great…WHERE HAS THIS BEEN ALL MY LIFE?! Your website and videos have been inspirational to me. I was wondering : where do you get the ideas, scripts, whatevers for the stories you do? Are you coming up with them on the fly? Do you have a script with blanks (for student choice) that you work off of? So far, I’ve been using a story I write and then I create Google Slides out of it. I want to try a shorter one though that involves drawings like some of your videos show, but I don’t know where to start. Thanks so much for your time and effort with the website! You have been instrumental to my switch to TPRS.

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