Why are MovieTalks so great? Because you can stay in the target language, there is a sense of excitement that always comes with storytelling, students love to participate, and teachers are providing comprehensible input!
Checkout this example of a MoveTalk I tried using this Morton Salt video, “Neighbors”
Hastings, A. 1995. The FOCAL SKILLS Approach: An Assessment. In F. Eckman et al., Second Language Acquisition: Theory and Pedagogy. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 29-43.
[…] Picture Talk her art […]
[…] great as ClipChats/MovieTalks for your own students at their levels using your own […]
[…] a MovieTalk with the music […]
[…] MovieTalk – You spent so much time planning for that MovieTalk! Why waste your efforts by not squeezing every ounce of CI out of your heavenly performance? Run & Dictate that MovieTalk! […]
[…] for the PictureTalk after the activity which would use the same images. You could also prepare a MovieTalk while keeping all other variables the same. Just create screengrabs of the movie ahead of time, and […]
[…] Wooly’s stories can be used to facilitate circling, story-asking, socratic seminars, TPRS, MovieTalks, crafts, PictureTalks, story sequencing, TPR, guided & embedded readings, PQA, comprehension […]
[…] They like to talk during movies. […]
The dialogue.
Unfortunately, I just kinda made it up wherever the students paused the video. It was fairly untargeted. Sorry about that!
hola, do you have this movie talk to sell in tpt? That exactly what I want to teach after spring break
Hey! Do you mean the video itself or the dialogue? https://youtu.be/X2yaReWVlOc
This is awesome! (and what a great video) Do you pre-teach any vocab that is specific to the movie or just add needed vocab during the video with the pauses/discussion?
Mandy! The week before this activity I taught/we chatted about the weather in our favorite vacation spots. So, that wasn’t immediately before this activity, but it still needed repetition. During this video is we see the first time they learn the words for the seasons. There are many more words that I don’t plan on teaching and didn’t pre-teach that just came out spontaneously, so I made hand motions to give meaning. You have really good questions… that make me think real hard…